What is BetterTogether Africa?
BetterTogether Africa is an exclusive virtual program designed for African youth, and created by Goodwall, in partnership with UNICEF, Generation Unlimited, GIZ, Atingi, African Union, Yoma and the Scouts Movement.
This has been a crazy year, we know that many people are feeling stressed, lost and disappointed by the lack of professional prospects right now, but BetterTogether Africa is here to help.
The online program offers a gateway to new opportunities both educational and professional through three weeks of inspiring themed challenges, top speakers and community content available exclusively on the app.
Throughout the program you can win awards, listen to inspiring leaders, and develop key soft and hard skills. Ending with a digital certificate you can add to your CV.
BetterTogether Africa is designed to help you become a better you and make the world a bit better too.
Does it cost money?
No, the BetterTogether program is completely free and inclusive!
How long does the program run for?
The program runs from November 23 to December 11 2020.
What are the challenges?
There will be a total of four challenges throughout the three-week program. The challenges will be focused on topics such as Mental Health and Wellbeing, Women and Girls’ Empowerment, Employment, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
What are the prizes?
Each challenge offers a unique prize, which can range from big daily cash rewards, to mentorship opportunities and $5000 worth of ZLTO points!
How are the winners selected? What are the criteria?
Winners will be shortlisted by the Goodwall Community Team and voted on by the Goodwall community. The winners of the final challenge will be selected by a jury composed of representatives from our partner organizations.
Note that spamming other users for likes is strictly prohibited. Users who do so run the risk of being disqualified from the program.
How can I participate in the BetterTogether Program?
Start off by signing up for Goodwall online, or downloading the app (iOS and Android)! Once you are set up with your profile on Goodwall, all you have to do is share your response to a challenge in a 60-second video, photo, or text posted on your Goodwall profile, tagging the corresponding challenge hashtag and #BetterTogetherAfrica – simple as that!
Can I join at any point during the Program?
Yes you are more than welcome to get involved at any point during the program and pick the challenges which resonate with you the most. However, we do recommend participating in the full program from the start in order to get the most benefit and qualify for a digital certificate.
How can I listen to speaker sessions
Keep an eye out for regular updates about upcoming live sessions with our host of inspiring CEO’s, mentors and role models. Weekly Q&As will take place over on the Goodwall Instagram and questions can be submitted in the comments section.
Transcripts and audio recordings of the talks will also be available.
Where can I find more information about the partners of the program?
The BetterTogether Africa program was made possible thanks to our partners. You can learn more about them here.
Who can participate?
All students and young professionals from anywhere in Africa are welcome to participate!
I am not a student, can I still participate?
Absolutely! If you’re a young professional it’s important to ensure that when the economy re-opens and companies ask: ‘What did you do during this time? How did you better yourself? What skills did you acquire?’, the future you has the perfect response.
How will I receive my prize if I win?
If you are a lucky challenge winner our Goodwall Community Manager will be in touch to coordinate delivery of your prize.
How will I receive the certificate?
Once you have completed the challenges you will automatically receive a notification on the app with your personal link to claim your digital certificate.
What is Goodwall?
Goodwall is a global community that levels the playing field for young people so anyone can connect and discover professional opportunities from scholarships to jobs. We’re a mobile-first platform with over 1.5M members in more than 150 countries, featuring over 5M jobs & opportunities, more than $1.5M in scholarships & awards and thousands of volunteer events. We help Gen Z build a profile and network of like-minded people who they can share ideas with, showcase achievements and gain support, in order to reach their full potential and positively impact society.
Any questions left?
Feel free to send an email to hello@goodwall.io and we’ll get back you as soon as we can.